Members are welcome to participate in standing committees.
Contact CP Administrative Coordinator to learn more >>
Contact CP Administrative Coordinator to learn more >>
Conference - AIE Panels Committee
The AIE panel committee determines the topics and guest panelists for the Artist Information Exchange presentations at the annual conference. This committee plays a key role in envisioning conference content and inviting guest speakers to broaden our understanding of specific genres.
Conference - Logistics Committee
The Conference Logistics committee is responsible for the social components of the annual conference, including engaging local venues and presenters as partners for receptions and luncheons, as well as advising on conference extras like restaurant recommendations and other activities.
Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility Committee
Ally Haynes-Hamblen, Sam W. Morales, Marie-Reine Velez, Melanie Weir
The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility (IDEA) Committee works to fulfill CP's mission to support the diversification of our boards, staff, audiences, and artists and to provide opportunities to grow equity, accessibility, and inclusion of voices in our field. This committee works with our CP board to integrate equity strategies into all facets of our organization, including professional development and our mentorship program, conference planning, and beyond. Our committee aims to create a more equitable, inclusive, diverse, and accessible performing arts field through intentional actions and measurable goals.
The Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Accessibility (IDEA) Committee works to fulfill CP's mission to support the diversification of our boards, staff, audiences, and artists and to provide opportunities to grow equity, accessibility, and inclusion of voices in our field. This committee works with our CP board to integrate equity strategies into all facets of our organization, including professional development and our mentorship program, conference planning, and beyond. Our committee aims to create a more equitable, inclusive, diverse, and accessible performing arts field through intentional actions and measurable goals.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Treasurer and Secretary. The Executive Committee shall have and may exercise, while the Board of Directors is not in session, the powers of the Board of Directors in the management of the affairs of the corporation, except action in respect to the election of officers or the filling of vacancies in the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee leads fundraising efforts of California Presenters and works collaboratively with the Board of Directors in identifying and soliciting funding sources.
Membership Committee
Amber Jo Manuel, Tiina Mittler
The Membership Committee identifies and encourages prospective members. It recommends to the Board of Directors services, communications and initiatives which would help retain current membership and attract new members. The Committee is responsible for reviewing applications and selecting individuals to receive scholarships to attend the Annual Membership Conference. Working collaboratively with the Board of Directors and staff, the Committee develops the application and promotes the scholarship opportunity to current and prospective members of the organization. The Membership Committee may be composed of current Directors or members of California Presenters.
The Membership Committee identifies and encourages prospective members. It recommends to the Board of Directors services, communications and initiatives which would help retain current membership and attract new members. The Committee is responsible for reviewing applications and selecting individuals to receive scholarships to attend the Annual Membership Conference. Working collaboratively with the Board of Directors and staff, the Committee develops the application and promotes the scholarship opportunity to current and prospective members of the organization. The Membership Committee may be composed of current Directors or members of California Presenters.
Nominating/Governance Committee
Ally Haynes-Hamblen, Amber Jo Manuel
The Nominating/Governance Committee identifies and recommends individuals from the organization’s membership to serve as Directors. The Committee ensures that the Board of Directors reflects a balanced composition of representatives from varied venue sizes, regions of California, and areas of professional expertise; communicates with candidates; and recommends Directors for officer positions including President, President-Elect, Vice President, and Treasurer and Secretary. Members of the Nominating Committee must be a current Director of California Presenters.
The Nominating/Governance Committee identifies and recommends individuals from the organization’s membership to serve as Directors. The Committee ensures that the Board of Directors reflects a balanced composition of representatives from varied venue sizes, regions of California, and areas of professional expertise; communicates with candidates; and recommends Directors for officer positions including President, President-Elect, Vice President, and Treasurer and Secretary. Members of the Nominating Committee must be a current Director of California Presenters.
Professional Development Committee
Melanie Weir, Ally Haynes-Hamblen
The Professional Development Committee assesses the professional development needs of the organization’s membership based on current issues in the presenting field, recommends new initiatives to the Board of Directors, and monitors the offerings of the organization through ongoing dialogue with the membership. They implement programs throughout the year, including developing content for special interest sessions at the annual conference. This Committee also oversees the California Presenters Leadership program and is responsible for the recruitment of program applicants, determining program participants, making recommendations on program pairings and managing conference scholarship funds. The Professional Development Committee may be composed of current Directors or members of California Presenters.
The Professional Development Committee assesses the professional development needs of the organization’s membership based on current issues in the presenting field, recommends new initiatives to the Board of Directors, and monitors the offerings of the organization through ongoing dialogue with the membership. They implement programs throughout the year, including developing content for special interest sessions at the annual conference. This Committee also oversees the California Presenters Leadership program and is responsible for the recruitment of program applicants, determining program participants, making recommendations on program pairings and managing conference scholarship funds. The Professional Development Committee may be composed of current Directors or members of California Presenters.
The Advocacy Committee's goal is to represent the larger interests of the CP community on issues that impact member organizations and the field of presenting at large. The committee exists to help make CP and the field of presenting more visible to opinion makers and change agents setting arts policy; to interact with California's greater arts community to ensure presenter issues are represented; and to leverage the larger buying power of the consortium so that California-based presenting organizations in coordination with other non-profit and policy-making advocacy institutions. This committee is comprised of at least one board member and other CP members as needed.
The Communications Committee exists to support institutional branding and awareness of California Presenters as a leading consortium that represents 100 plus performing arts members in the field. This committee oversees social media efforts, publicity and marketing of all CP-related efforts and promotes the value of the organization to outside agencies and funders. The purpose of this committee is to help make CP and the field of presenting more visible to opinion makers and change agents setting arts policy; and to interact with California's greater arts community to ensure presenter issues are understood and at the table. This committee is comprised of at least one board member and other CP members as needed.
Banner photo credits: Irvine Barclay Theatre, Irvine; ArtPower at UC San Diego, La Jolla; Curtis Theatre at the Brea Civic & Cultural Center, Brea